Welcome back for the Spring 2008 semester! We are happy and excited to start the second half of this academic year with you. Dr. Jacqueline Morgan has now joined the Honors College as the Director of the University Honors Program and Director of the University Fellows Experience. Her skills, talents, and energy will bring noticeable changes and innovations for the benefit of all Honors students. Her office is located in 291 Nott Hall. Welcome, Dr. Morgan!
We are also pleased to announce that Ms. Jami Gates is a new member of the Honors College staff overseeing our recruitment efforts directed towards the nation's brightest high school students. Her office is in 270 Nott Hall. Finally, Ms. Gina Miller has returned from Spain to take up her position as Coordinator of the University Fellows Experience and as an instructor in the International Honors Program. Her office is in 274 Nott Hall.
Below are several new announcements, followed by a repeat of last week's email in case you missed out on those announcements.
UHP and IHP Course Locations
Randall Outstanding Undergraduate Research Program Nominations
Apply to be an Alabama Action Student Leader
First HPSA Meeting
Still Accepting Applications for Alternative Spring Break trips!
Outstanding Freshman Award
Consider Joining the International Student Association
Plan ahead for LUNAFEST!
International Opportunities Attached
Student Internships In Climate Change
BLACKBURN INSTITUTE EXTENDS NOMINATIONS TO JAN. 15 – Due to a number of requests, the Blackburn Institute has extended its nomination deadline for new members. The final deadline is Jan. 15. The Institute is looking for students who not only have established themselves as leaders on campus or in the classroom, but also for those who are committed to working towards a better future for Alabama as well as the nation. Nominations should be for students who will be on campus during the 2008-09 academic year. The Institute accepts students during all stages of their academic career. Approximately 25 students will be chosen for lifetime membership as Blackburn fellows. For more information or a nomination form, contact Amy Ratliff at 348-3277.
UHP and IHP Course Locations
Attached is a copy of the Spring '08 classroom schedule for your convenience and information. Please take a few minutes to compare your schedules with the classroom information on this list. Some last
minute changes have been made. Also, some classes had to be listed as TBA because the meeting rooms were not actually classrooms and could not be entered into the system as such. For example, if you are registered for UH 120-005, the meeting room is our computer lab, 176 Nott Hall. If you are registered for UH 300-006, UH 300-022, UH 300-024, please check this list to see where your classes will be meeting.
Randall Outstanding Undergraduate Research Program Nominations
Since 1997, the Randall Outstanding Undergraduate Research Program has recognized the best research and creative activity conducted by undergraduates at The University of Alabama. Winners of the Burnum Outstanding Faculty Research Award select the recipients each year. The recipients and their nominators are recognized at a luncheon in their honor during UA's Honors Week. The updated nomination form is attached. Any questions may be directed to Jane Batson in the Computer-Based Honors Program office (348-5029/jbatson@bama.ua.edu). Please complete the "Call for Nomination" form and return it to Jane Batson (jbatson@bama.ua.edu) by noon on Thursday, January 31, 2008.
Apply to be an Alabama Action Student Leader
Alabama Action student leader applications are due January 31. The application form is attached.
First HPSA Meeting
The first HPSA meeting of the spring semester is Thursday, January 17, at 7:00 PM in the Riverside Community Center. Anyone who is interested in membership should contact HPSA president Molly McPherson at memcpherson@bama.ua.edu; current members should join the HPSA group on Facebook for updates and planned activities. C'mon and join HPSA!
Still Accepting Applications for Alternative Spring Break trips!
Apply Now for Alternative Spring Break :: Nationally (Denver, Colorado), and Internationally (Xela, Guatemala). While in Denver, Colorado, 10 students will be involved in activities that deal with the environment and homelessness. The trip is being coordinated by Joshua Burford, the Coordinator of Freshman Community Outreach can be reached at burfo003@sa.ua.edu. In Xela, Guatemala, 10 students will engage in activities that deal with community development, education, agriculture, and women's issues. Excursions include boat trips around Lago Atitlan and visits to Antigua during Holy Week. Kendall Smith, Coordinator for Alternative Spring Break will lead this group's experience and can be contacted at kendallita@gmail.com. Applications are available in the Community Service Center Ferguson Center Room 231. For more information, call the CSC at 205 348-2865.
Outstanding Freshman Award
Omicron Delta Kappa honor society awards the Outstanding Freshman Award each year. This year, freshman can apply online at www.honorsocieties.ua.edu All freshman in the Honors Collegeare encouraged to consideer applying. The deadline to apply is Friday, February 1, 2008.
Consider joining the International Student Association
The ISA is a fun social organization for students of all nationalities, including Americans! Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday January 16th, at 6pm, in the Ferguson center, 300 Mortar Board room. Everyone is welcome! The ISA will also have a table during Get on Board day which is also next Wednesday, so you can stop by, sign in and learn more about the organization. Another way to get involved is to go to our website (www.isa.ua.edu) and join our mailing list.
Sponsored by The Fund for American Studies in partnership with Georgetown University, the Institutes combine nonprofit internships, courses for academic credit, career development activities, and service projects. A substantial amount of scholarship funding is available and over half of all students accepted to the program receive a scholarship. Students are encouraged to apply by the priority deadline of January 25, 2008 as acceptance, internship placement and scholarship decisions are made on a rolling basis. Scholarships are awarded based on academic excellence, leadership ability and financial need.This summer's dates are June 7 - August 2, 2008. www.dcinternships.org/ipvs **ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR PRIORITY DEADLINE OF JANUARY 25, 2008**
Plan ahead for Lunafest!
The Women's Resource Center, Women Involved in Learning and Leading, the Women's Studies Department, and The Globe Restaurant are co-sponsoring a national film festival, called LUNAFEST, which features films that are created by women about women. The event takes place on March 13th at the Bama Theater. A reception catered by The Globe and a silent auction will begin at 6 PM. The films begin at 7 PM. The proceeds from this even benefit the Breast Cancer Fund and The Women's Resource Center. Student tickets are $10, Faculty/Staff $15, and regular admission is $20.
International Opportunities Attached
Please read the attached overseas study, internship, and scholarship opportunities. Both last week's opportunities (opportunities2008) and this week's (opportunitiesA) are attached! Contact UA's study abroad advisors in the Capstone International Center before registering for any overseas program or internship.
Concerned about climate change? Wondering when world oil production will peak and what renewable energies are ready to step in? Want to improve the communication of sound science and policy on these topics to a global audience? Here's your chance. We are looking for motivated individuals to become student Encyclopedia Interns on a major climate change initiative underway at the Encyclopedia of Earth (http://www.eoearth.org/), a new electronic reference about the Earth, its natural environments, andtheir interaction with society. The Encyclopedia is a free, fully searchable collection of articles written by scholars, professionals, educators, and experts who collaborate and review each other’s work. The articles are written in non-technical language and will be useful to students, educators, scholars, professionals, as well as to the general public. The goal of this project is to build the Web's largest and most authoritative resource on climate change. Encyclopedia Interns will help harvest public domain content, copyedit articles, and otherwise assist authors and topic editors in producing and publishing articles. Encyclopedia Interns will learn the basics of Mediawiki software, the collaborative content platform that underlies Wikipedia, and work with researchers, educators, professionals, and other experts on climate change and related topics The time commitment is flexible and you can work at home, your school's Food Court, Starbucks, or wherever you can grab an Internet connection. You can see the current group of "e-scribe" Interns here: ttp://www.eoearth.org/article
Last week's email:
The International Honors Program and the Capstone International Center will sponsor an information session on UA's interim and summer overseas programs for 2008. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 23 from 4:00-5:00 in 205 Gorgas Library. Ms. Channell and participating UA faculty will be there to describe our programs and answer questions you may have. Our programs this year are in: Austria, Brazil, China, Ireland, Ecuador, France, Ghana, India, Italy, Korea, London, Oxford, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey. You may read the description of the programs by clicking on each link at http://international.ua.edu
Another piece of exciting news: The Critical Languages Center is happy to announce that Farsi (Persian, also spoken in Afghanistan) is officially being offered at UA! You may reigster for FRS 101 on Banner. An alternative for those of you who are strategically-minded is the study of Urdu (spoken in Pakistan). More students are needed to register for this critical language as well. Contact the CLC director, Mr. Arizumi, for complete information at karizumi@as.ua.edu .
Attached is a lengthy compiliation of international opportunities for students in all disciplines and/or language interests. I recommend that you read all the announcements. Information about a particular program may spark your interest in finding a similar program in your own area of interest. Remember that the announcements listed here are just the starting point: contact the study abroad advisors in the Capstone International Center before registering for any overseas program or internship.
The programs listed in the attachment include:
- Critical Need Foreign Languages Scholarships: Friday, January 25, 2008
- Undergraduate Research Internship Program in Germany
“For the first year, there will be no program fee for students. 25 scholarships of € 1850 each are available to cover living expenses.” Deadline January 31, 2008. - Business Courses in Czech Republic--UA Faculty-Led Program
- Internship Program In Warsaw, Poland
- CIEE’s New Study Center Programs (Spain, Argentina, Morocco, Czech)
- DiversityAbroad.com Scholarships
- Summer Program in Chiang Mai, Thailand
- AsiaLearn in China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Malaysia and Singapore
- Tropical Marine Ecosystems at the University of the South Pacific in Fiji
- Creating New Music: Composition and Performance in Italy
- Germany: Research Internships in Science and Engineering
- AHA Programs in Italy, England, Greece, Germany and Argentina
- Program in Berlin for American Journalism Students
- 2008 Teach in Spain program
- Emerging India and China, and Nations and Identities
- Summer Institute on Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction in Amsterdam
Dr. Fran Oneal
Director, International Honors Program
University of Alabama
Box 870169
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
275 Nott Hall
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