Guy Caldwell, associate professor of biological sciences, said he expects the students volunteering in his laboratory to have a deep respect and belief in the nature of the biomedical research they are doing, and to not just be working for another bullet on their résumés. Full Story
Opinions editor, graphics editor needed at The CW The Crimson White has immediate openings for opinions editor and graphics editor. The opinions editor is responsible for managing weekly columnists and writing their own weekly column, as well as serving on the editorial board and writing the daily Our View. Full Story
While students were out of school sleeping late and not doing homework, change was taking place on campus. The University, though extremely unceremoniously, changed its nondiscrimination policy to include sexual orientation. After almost a year of controversy over the University's lack of protection for GBLT-Q students, the University finally changed its policy, becoming the last SEC school to include sexual orientation. Full Story
The records in the Nick's Kids checkbook read like a tour of Tuscaloosa and Alabama as Terry Saban flips through them. The UA SPIRIT Scholarship fund at the University. Eagle's Wings of Tuscaloosa. Birmingham Children's Hospital. The RISE School in Tuscaloosa. Full Story
Late nights, dim lights, alcohol and smoke usually accompany Elliott McPherson's music. His band, The Dexateens, bangs out their loud rock 'n' roll songs at bars across town until the places shut down. This makes McPherson's acoustic performance tonight in the Greensboro Room of the Bama Theatre special. Full Story
Jan. 3, 2007: The Hiring Nick Saban was hired away from the Miami Dolphins to become the 27th football coach in Alabama history. Saban was introduced as the coach the next day at a news conference. Saban's decision to take the Alabama job sparked a media firestorm for the better part of a month over his integrity and other character issues. Full Story
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