Welcome Back! Your Asa H. Bean Undergraduate Student Services staff hopes you are excited about the spring term 2008 and your class schedule. The LAST DAY to ADD a class to your spring term 2008 schedule is Wednesday, January 16, 2008. It is your responsibility to know the spring term 2008 Academic calendar. You may view it at
It is time to schedule your advising appointment to discuss your academic plans for the summer & fall terms 2008. Your Academic Advisor appointment is critical to assure that you are "on track" with regard to prerequisites for your major program course sequence.
Here are some helpful tips to successful academic planning:
1. Schedule your undergraduate academic advising appointment NOW!
(Call 348-4537 or stop by room #10 Bidgood Hall)
2. Mark your calendars – Wednesday, March 12 – Friday, March 14, 2008 – “Group Signature Sessions” will be scheduled
(Registration logistics for summer & fall terms 2008 registration – view http://mybama.ua.edu for more information)
3. Web Registration will begin on Monday, March 24, 2008.
(YES, web registration! Instructions will be forthcoming on http://mybama.ua.edu
YOU MUST have visited with an Academic Advisor to have your
file activated for you to use the web.)
4. Be prepared when you visit with an Academic Advisor!
(Your schedule is your responsibility!)
5. Visit the C&BA Undergraduate Student Services Center website at http://cba.ua.edu/students
We look forward to serving you very soon. CALL NOW 348-4537 for your appointment!!
Your Undergraduate Academic Advisors
Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration
10 Bidgood Hall
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